Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wachovia Depositing Checks Into Atm
ciauuu all
!!!^^ I hope you all had a nice Christmas ..
For me this year, Christmas was not so bad .... ignoring the fact that I had to spend with my family ... uffé___è
However .. I got up as usual around 12 , and 30 ... come al solito in ritardo!!!vorrei sapere perchè non mi svegliano mai i miei genitori...per colpa loro mi sono dovuta catapultare nella doccia e fami i capelli al volo...
alla fine sono riuscita ad essere pronta per le 13....vestita rigorosamente in nero(per la felicità dei miei parenti che dicono che sono strana!!!)vabbè....siamo arrivati a casa di mia "zia" che abita a 5 minuti da casa nostra ma ci vediamo una volta ogni morte di papa e lì è iniziato lo straziooooooo!!!!!ç___ç
non mi annoiavo così tanto dal natale prima O_o...mia "nonna"che criticava come mi ero vestita...i miei zii che mostravano ogni millimetro della casa(sono mooooooltooooo vanitosi per quanto riguarda la loro casa/persona)sembra that the money we have only their =.= "
however after seeing for the hundredth time we got home to eat .. but since I'm on a diet only sstuzzicato food ... with my father who made me all Once the wine .. my glass was never empty nen !!!^__^ fact at the end of lunch I was pretty revved up and I was about to fall asleep on the couch ... ... quandoo roll .... I tamburiiii REGALIIIIIIII
!!!!! need to know that my father has haunted me all week telling me that I had made a gift bellissimooo but I did not say what it was! è__é
I finally scopertooooo then my ... Gifts were:
a 160 GB hard disck that can be attached directly to the TV (all spianooooooo QAF), the PostPay dentrooo with 100 € (finally I can buy it online) and the CD soundtrack QAF .. my daddy has ordered them to me by a friend and I should get in a little more for'!!!!!!! for my birthday I was promised a box set of all 5 seasons of Queer as Folk !!!!!!!!! then I got a perfume, a pair of earrings and two bracelets!
After we played bingo and Rulette (I have no idea how to spell ^ ^ ") where I won almost 10 € ... so all in all I can say that I was not so bad this year! !
Now I'm going to enjoy the new year ... although I have not the slightest idea what to do ç___ç maybe I'll be with my friends and some of famigliaa! uffaaaa
you want TAAAAAAAANTOOOO good! Still there
Friday, December 21, 2007
How Do Xterra Off Road Roof Light Work
credooo ... yesterday I went to lend a hand where my mother worked and I found the ring cercavoooo!! And think that I had it under his nose had to see =.="... my face when I was too ... vistoo felizeee !!!!^___________^
Here it is --->
And to round off the week today is the last day of scuolaaaa !! would technically be tomorrow but since there is no meeting tomorrow nullaaaa
!!!!! I look forward to Christmas ... here's my little tree This year !!!!^^
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ralph Lauren River Rock Paint
Saturday, November 24, 2007
How Long Do You Last When You Masterbate
Inspiration is Anne Rice's "The Mind of Each Man is a Savage Garden." -The Vampire Lestat, Anne Rice
is one of my favorite writers! XD
A life of Confusion ... of Doubt and of Pain,
Begins to Dissolve Nocturnal on the Plane. "
-Sacred Moon's Light by Stone Bryson-
[Crossover Oblivion / The Sims2]
"The love that moves the sun and other stars"
(The Love Which moves the sun and the other stars)
-Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Paradiso, Canto XXXIII, line 145 -
"I live in the black
I have no guiding light I'm whispering in your dreams ..."
-Judas be my guide by Iron Maiden .-
My interpretation of model Yu Mei Shizuka Hiou from Vampire Knight.
Vampire Knigth
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Woman Doctor Checks Penis
ciauuu to tuttiiii !!!!^^
'm having a crisis ... my prof are scomparseee!! the last 2 weeks we made the task of eng, biology, physics, English, and there have even led a result!!
Oo I'm getting terrible anxiety ... I absolutely know how I andataaa!!
uffiiii while to calm down ... I saw a couple of episodes of QAF .. but instead of improving my mood got worse ... I have turned into a fountain!! Well as I that I went to choose the episodes 5x04 to 5x07!! if not masochistic !!!=.="
We missed the episode only final and we stayed ç___ç
now I go to bed I'm falling down and I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a Japanese manga marcatino !!!!^___^
Kisses Treasures!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Najlepsze Darmowe Serwery Bez Reklam
Well yes I too have decided to LJ look at how it works ... even if we understand pochissimuuu!!
I do not know when I find time to write here ... with all the tasks they give me is already so if I can USCAR PC !!!=.="
tomorrow to begin the task of Biology and I do not know a cavoloooooo! !
I studied but I do not enter anything in testaaaa ç___ç hope it goes well this year .... I have an average of 7 for me !!!!! that corresponds to an titanicaaa!!
XD But now I return to my book carooo Bio and DNA and cellular respiration ^ ^ "
aiutuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!! ç___ç
Kisses ^ ^ yayetta
PS: I greet all of the treasures' Evy who passed here!! I want a world of beneee
Saturday, June 16, 2007
How To Watch Bangbros For Free
Lately I have been working to create more symmetrical and various photos and I found myself with a nice bunch of different photino. |
The following is Mei Yu. He is 24 years old and single. |
This is a picture that will be part of a trilogy of pictures with a single theme as a guideline. |
These photos, set in a peaceful tropical island of the sea, seen as the protagonist Nora. |
These however are a series of portraits of some of my sim models (some of my avatars are the same). The last |
Friday, June 1, 2007
Does It Snow In Fort Campbell
The story so far: Adam, Melissa and Dana have been friends since University but Melissa can not accept the relationship between Dana and Adam. |
[Dana POV]
They say that the 9 months of waiting for a child run as fast as the beating of wings, but for me it was just the opposite. |
Being pregnant was not as I had imagined in my innocence. |
One evening as I was going to sleep he asked me why Adam I would always try to wait until later. |
"Honey, no matter when or how! I will always love you and stand by your side! Please, remember always |
Samuel was born on a Wednesday morning. The pains were painful and I was scared. |
But just when pressed for the first time Samuel heard a great joy. |
But that Wednesday morning Samuel was not only the world but also Sara. |
Although Adam was not present at birth, appena lo venne a sapere tornò a casa. |
Samuel and Sarah were the focus of my life. I dealt with them from morning to evening. |
One night while I lunched alone, and Jane asked me if the twins were so challenging to look after. |
Jane's birthday was fun and noisy. I had spent almost a week to prepare and I was tired a lot, but seeing the beautiful smile of my Jane, I felt reborn. That was the real joy was looking at all costs not to lose and for which I struggled so much. |
Jane At the party I got to talk a bit 'with Melissa. It was so much more that we did not talk about important things, after what had passed between you, me and Adam was so difficult to trust each other again as before. |
After the feast day of Jane all was as before. Melissa actually began to come often to our house and I was happy to talk to someone when I was alone with the children. |
Jane over time also began to help me out with the twins. At first I thought he did it just to please me and do not make me tired too much but when I saw his smile I knew that for her, that as a child she had lived alone with two parents are already old, it was a joy to deal with Samuel and Sarah. |
Despite the help of Jane, however, always continued to have many things to worry about. At times it seemed that my list of things to do not reach it on to an end. |
The cake had a unique flavor. |
The water was not as fresh as I had imagined, but because heated by the hot midday sun. |
The water began to surround completely surround it. |
Air I missed the lungs and my eyes slowly gave way to darkness. |
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Tight Underpants Shrinkage
Where we were: Adam and Dana make a happy couple but Melissa's best friend Dana is she fell in love with Adam and Dana does not want to leave. |
[Pov Dana]
now had gone a bit 'months since I had moved from Adam. His family was exceptional, with them I felt really happy. |
Jane soon became a beautiful girl and very sweet. We spent a lot of time together because both his parents worked and I loved being with her. |
My relationship with Adam was fine and soon we'd get married. |
In the meantime, I finally was hired as a deputy in the nearby elementary school and when I was working with Jane was helping tasks. |
One day, when it was missing less than a month of marriage, Adam asked me to Melissa. It was really long time since we talked more about her. |
When Melissa came to the door I felt my knees give way. |
I was the happiest person on this earth. I was going to marry the person I loved, I found a new family in that Adam and Melissa and I were close again as before. |
After the wedding, Mellisa continued to attend regularly. Have her back next door, smiling as before, and it made me happy, even if we talked, I knew it was the same for Adam. |
Despite my newfound friendship with Melissa and my work kept you to spend much time with Jane. |
Time spent with Jane and with children of primary school made me realize that I really wanted to have a son Adam. |
few months after my confession with Adam organized a dinner just for two. |
Adam looked at me surprised and then reached out to shake my hand in his. |