Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Beautiful Agony Free Streaming

Adamas THE LEGACY - 4.3

[Sonia Pov]

Life at home had become unbearable. I spent entire afternoons in the closed room to think, hoping that some solution presented itself to me.
But the truth was that I could not bear to face reality and I was afraid that if I open with my father I would be rejected once again.

In one of those days for me so many distressing event happened which I never thought about before: the death of his grandfather.
For me, he was always present. Knowing that I could no longer embrace with my behavior and that I had wasted the last moments to be with him I was awakened from the torpor in which I fall.

I would not have lost more time to cry.

After the funeral I pledged with my whole being.

I had finally a purpose.

I'd gone to university and I studied to improve my art.

To be admitted to university I had chosen to study a lot.
But finally I felt for the first time the study was not determined and weighed on me.

Finally came the time for me to leave my home.
but I was at a crossroads in my heart I knew I was past it.

The early college days were not rosy.
The study took most of my days and still did not know anyone.

the end too, but I made friends with some fellow dormitory.
Greg was the first to approach. When I saw him I thought it was a special guy.

Atletico and always cheerful, always knew how to cheer me up even when the morale of my silence him away.

friendship with Greg over time turned into something very different.

I knew where all this would take but I did not care.

For me it was the first time and everything seemed to me wonderful.

But while Greg was sleeping on my side, I thought about my father and Randy. Even

Greg admitted that he would not love me the next morning?
And even if he did, what would our life story? A month? A Year? And then?

be his after a moment so close so close I was unbearable, I got up determined not to be near him that night.
And also for all the nights after I walked away.

Meanwhile, life on campus to the great pro. Sharon and I we formed our study group.

My relationship with Greg was going on even though in my heart I feared the moment when everything would be over.

Came time to graduate
^ __ ^ The other boys organized for me a great graduation party!

At the party were also mum and dad.
As the mother saw me in my toga big hug. Reviewing his smile was a unexpected joy.

Far from us, insecure, Dad watched us.
His expression softened my heart.

On impulse ran to embrace him.

His grip was strong and unwavering, as if to underline the implicit promise not to leave again.


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