Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Swot Analysis Cupcake


Edges in Photoshop CS2

In Photoshop there are several ways to create border to our images, some are simpler than other more complex but allow us a greater choice in the style of the border. We start however with a 'base image without borders like the one below.

The first method we'll show you (and I already recommended) option is Track / Stroke accessible from the menu Edit / Edit.

may happen that the option is not available, always remember to rename the Background layer by double-clicking on it and work on a single layer (if you have more levels in your palette can transform into one level through the Level One option from the menu level).

Now you will open a new window with various information: the border width, color, how to position and settings adjusting the level and opacity.

I usually opt for something as simple as you see in the picture.

And of course no one forbids us to repeat the process again, this time by changing the values for the thickness (1px) and color (I chose a light gray).

The end result is this. Simple but well suited to all types of photos.

Now that we have mastered we move on to something more imaginative.
change settings in our window and try to change the type of layer blending to Multiply / Multiply with 50% opacity.

As already said, no one forbids us to reuse the option to track as many times as we want and then clicking again on the track we go once again to change our tiportato settings as in Figure below.

As you can see there is no constraint other than your imagination to create and experiment with keeping an eye on as you change your picture ^ ^

Finally, the die again refer back this time with Trace and opt for a 1-pixel black border with Normal blending mode and opacity 100%

is the result.

As mentioned above, there are many ways to create a border.
The second is that I show the following: Select all (CTRL + A or Selection / All ). Then from the menu selection
mixtures Edit and then board.

In the window that opens choose the thickness (I chose 15px).
Then, create a new layer and with the paint bucket tool with black color fill your selection.
The result is below ^ ^

NB: 'Reproduction also part of this tutorial.

To the rest have fun and I hope this short tutorial has been helpful! ^______^


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