I had some p [ROBLEMS with PhotoBucket D:
The images are low quality 'cause I forgot to change the options in the game>. \u0026lt;
me yet he felt that he had forgotten something Dx
Proveddero 'in the next update ...
As I said before I had problems with PhotoBucket that I deleted some photos and uploaded some photos duplicates ... but having already canceled once they are uploaded from the PC I do not have a chance to recover ... comuque and is' an update consistenste enough to catch up with the game :)...
This time, no complicated story to motivate this challenge ... Only that good god 'player of the game and I've got to invent something to entertain my readers: D
Then I begin the long story to say that when a neighborhood and' populated by some Simmi
processes of great beauty, Each player / her and 'Push /
a great desire to exterminate these genes to be useless without decent
ripurile the neighborhood, or if it' the case to recreate another with faces, skin, eyes, etc.. etc.. ... replacement
So after a long ordeal was born a perfect desert QUARTER *___*... made of a few people but good ... and if possible, only male sim ... : D
not think evil is a neighborhood of P
said all that 'I present my
Queen Yuna
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Character: a dowdy, shy 4, 1 active, 8 playful 5 nice.
Aspiration: Family life
Desire: Celebrating the golden anniversary -.-'' (expected return intake)
stimulating beard or mustache, muscles
depressing chiattonezza or ciccionezza or corpulentezza [as a favorite xD]
Y "Eheheheheh"
good start .-.
Yuna starts bouncing in search of his future home
not realizing that his future home and 'own next to her (so to speak House ... but better than sleeping under a bridge XD)
The first thing to do, to spend some 'time, and' plant something, hoping for good results: D
then having a little 'of hunger, prepared cereals
Y: "When I have' a daughter I'll call 'Cereal * laughs like ciota na *"
Ooookay .. . oO Glad you ... Skip to the
a symmetrical and perhaps one of the few in the neighborhood ... newspaper delivery-
Ape And our work is in the police, because he was the only job that pays well ... So
and 'coming of the welcoming committee
among which also Nara Place, a SIMM for my creation testing and various hacks: D
Even Yuna expresses its opinion on Nara
T____T But dear, until I Sforni 60 babies, stay away from Nara ... and even after uu
yuna Then he decided to become only friend ...
Y: "If I can I will give my friend, and his gadgets and conquer 'the world! Faro' supreme head out: D so I do not torture more 'and I'll be' liberaaaaaaaaaa "
Yuna:" Oh beautiful blonde let it be my fridge! If outside do not you too! "
Hours go by and not go any macho-sim>. \u0026lt;And that if the mountain does not go to Muhammad, then Muhammad is the mountain, if the drone is not going Yana, Yana then goes from kelp xD ...
You go, then, in the first research center dedicated to the famous kelp :)
Tesoro sorridi, se fai questa faccia ncazzusa ci credo che i possibili fuchi scappino a gambe levate
Okey okey non ti contradico... possibile che ogni volta che ti do qualche consiglio reagisci cosi T.T
L'attenzione di Yana si sposta sulla pista da pattinaggio
e comincia a mostrare il meglio di se cadendo ogni 2 secondi xD
Entra nel frattempo un simmo che canticchia e applaude :"
Clap your hands, clap your hands
C'mon Everybody put your hands up high
Together We Can Reach The Sky
Clap your hands, clap your hands ... "
While Yuna annoyed skating, Nara stalker ... ;-.-'
her beautiful daughter, go and break the heart of that simmo D:
Unfortunately, when it is decided, the SIMM had already evaporated !
and give a vote to my district simmo that every x there xD
Naso -10, but on the whole and 'quite a sim ...
then +5 (I do not have the photo front D:)
rocker with African genes
For now ' 40 to 50 (Complete points removed and added) in tenths would be 8 / 10: D which are good xD * *
delude themselves begin to socialize with some nice person:)
Unfortunately, the vampire there is ... >. \u0026lt;
But as you can 'reject a beautiful Simma as our Yana uff): One day away
regret it D: you will be' the ancestor of all the inhabitants of the neighborhood and you could you ; be one of the ancestors of this city ', but you refused ... no one will remind you 'cause you're dead and cracked uu * marks their names for revenge * The only intelligent and
simmo 'the star, as well as having decent and genes' too rich: D
Nara !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This simmo and '
Yana>. \u0026lt;
stay away or you fuciloooooooo
Yana likes: D *
simleon simleon simleon *
Yana: "When the lighthouse 'my night shifts'll play' the siren for you: D" Oh my dear
Simma dumb:) I do not think waking up at 4 am Simmi is a romantic gesture xD
collaborator with Yana back to little house:) that
immediately invites the kelp to socialize ... Among various interactions
you can kiss (
simleon simleon simleon)
But you say no : D mica the only choice for simleon uu
Unfortunately he had already done morning and then the drone to send greetings to bed Yana ...
As soon as you send the alarm to train the body to earn a point for the promotion:)
So be ready to work for the promotion: D
Codest moves: D *
simleonin arrival *
you may have understood his task: And here is the D
nuiova little house, ready with beds and baby cots
course as it should usher in the transfer, except with a good dose of Fiki Fiki with the intent to procreate? : D
Our kelp is sleeping blissfully unaware of everything: D
take advantage of the moment to present:
Tyson De gomera
Character: 6 orders, 10 outgoing, 6 active, 3 playful, 0 funny.
Aspiration: Desire for Success
life boh xD
depressing boh xD
Sisi I have a good memory: D * I had written down the rest but I forgot the part that says boh xD *
Y: "Do not worry! We're coming ... save it ... "
As I said at the beginning and not 'can realize his LTW then we need to change intake
From then on I lost several photo D: damn PhotoBucket ... the next update then there will be 'some time gap ...
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