Thursday, February 17, 2011

Temp Visitor Stamp New York Drivers License

10 Things you did not know me ... [Yuna Queen / Smustle]


^ _ ^ Actually
'I wanted to put off a lot of the meme, because of so many ... troppissimi spoiler ... I have tried to diminish a bit ':
I put some news items about the next two posts and just xD Although in previous post with those three pictures spam, I have revealed something of the future post ... xD Well very future we pass to our Yuna ^ _ ^ [info] 1) Do you have a twin sister ... said he had never born ... Believes that this go around pretending to for her ... and do you also call Yuna ... [Treasury?? It 's not suffering from a double identity' and want to give all the blame for your mistakes in this hypothetical Yuna-Fauzosca?] 2) When the daughters were born Cereal cookies and had a memory lapse [Not just the time uu] and could not remember 'what had chosen names for them, then appointed as the first things he did [Luckily it was not in the bathroom or I would Call sink and shower, or worse, a toilet! oO] 3) Do not want to admit it but really miss the old size ... It lacks the divine Tyson and its smaller ... It lacks the life of a queen-bee! He had also met a blonde bad hat ... sin D:
4) Do you miss so much that Tyson often she starts talking with the walls ...
5) The night before falling asleep, think of many things I would do, but always refers to the day following ... Time passes and at the end did nothing of what 'he had planned.
6) In truth, 'said to be born too intelligent and has preferred to adapt to the mentality 'of other Simm, to follow the crowd.
7) Have a desire to become a wicked witch.
8) is deeply esteem for Frida Erde. 9) If it were a creature of The Sims 3 would have the features: Crowds, Ambitious, distracted, neurotic and freeloaders.
10) As a child while playing and 'fall Aquaria fish, about 1 meter high, he almost drowned ... From that day he is afraid of water! [OO but how do you?? ] But do not tell anyone: it 's a secret!

Ps I forgot the tag
xD So then:]

Mamma Jasmin of


Pope 'Karim [info] lena_simstory Jacob
[info] tarya88 Iris always
[info] lena_simstory boh Then I can not think of anyone more '
xD Oh yeah, and Corina Diamond [info] dreamlikemoon


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