Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Want A Bigger Belly

RPF: A cause is almost always a smile another smile (John Barrowman / Scott Gill)

This is the first time that I attempt in a fanfiction about real people instead of TV characters. Born of the project, thanks / blame for the my precious beta gave me a prompt to work with and rely mainly on things that are written by John Barrowman on Twitter or read in some interview.

Title: A cause is almost always a smile another smile
Genre: Romantic
Rating: for all
Alerts: RPF (Real Person Fiction),
slash Characters: John Barrowman / Scott Gill
N . words: 419

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, unfortunately not personally know John and Scott, but with my beta are very ready to adopt them, dogs included, so if anyone knew how to contact them ...

Dedicated to Joy who supports me in the craziest ideas, and finally jumping to the animated gifs and John Scott, one of the most beautiful couples ever met.

The traffic was worse than usual and he had to stay in London longer than he wanted due to a customer who, for the umpteenth time, had changed his mind on the layout of the rooms. Scott loved his work and was generally patient and understanding with clients but was Saturday evening and wanted to be home in time to see John with the last episode of his show.
nervously gripped the steering wheel, imagining his companion to kill time leaving messages and photos on Twitter would have been better kept to oneself.
looked at his watch impatiently and weighed the idea to call him.
"If I do, will combine for at least five minutes without trouble," he said to himself thinking back to how he had reduced the kitchen a week before the pretext of preparing the dessert for him and his nephew.
- John? I crossed the Severn just now. How are things there? - Churches.
- The boys are down in the dumps because they hoped that you would be here this afternoon to take us out and I wanted to experiment with new recipes that Carole sent me yesterday, - responded with excessive panache.
Scott sighed, leaving John alone on Saturday was a gamble, especially when she was on pins and needles for his program that was about to go on air, but he had clients who worked all week and was the only day they could make an appointment with him.
- We can not order a pizza? - Asked in a tone of light and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.
- now I pulled out everything you need, you'll see will be a fabulous soup! CJ Hey come here that I have not yet tried the new sweater, - exclaimed John.
Scott shook his head, listening to the sounds coming from the phone, and imagine that chased the dog house. The poor beast sooner or later he would learn to call the animal protection if John had not stopped him wear the weirdest things.
Finally the traffic seemed to have thinned out.
- John, are there in half an hour, - he shouted into the phone, looking around awkwardly. I sincerely hope that none of the other drivers he had heard.
- We look forward Scottie - John replied, sending him a loud kiss and close the communication.
Thirty minutes later, Scott was greeted at the door by a smiling John and disheveled, wearing pajamas and thick socks with CJ in her arms, dressed in a white jacket with blue stripes, equal to the pajamas of his companion.
and could not help but smile back.


September 7, 2010


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